Angry Birds Game
Angry Birds is a puzzle video game developed by Finland-based Rovio Mobile.Angry Birds is a video game that was originally on the application of iPad or iPhone.This game is quite addictive so that the wearer has been downloaded more than 100 million users...

Crysis From Electronic Arts
Crysis is a science fiction first-person shooter video game developed by Crytek (Frankfurt, Germany), published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows ...

Play Station Vita Release
PlayStation Vita is an upcoming handheld game console under development by Sony Computer Entertainment.It's the successor to the PlayStation Portable as part of the PlayStation family of gaming devices ...

Home » Video Game Console » The History of Game Boy Pocket from Nintendo
In 1996, Nintendo released the Game Boy Pocket: a smaller, lighter unit that requires fewer batteries. It has space for two AAA batteries, which provide about 10 hours of game play.The Game Boy Pocket has no backlight to allow play in a darkened area. The first version did not have an LED to show battery levels. This was soon added due to public demand, along with new Game Boy Pocket units of different colors, some of them new to the Game Boy line. There were several limited-edition Game Boy Pockets including a metallic Ice Blue unit and a pink model exclusive to Japan. The Game Boy Pocket was not a new software platform and played the same software as the original Game Boy model.The Pocket has a smaller link port, which requires an adapter to link with the older Game Boy.The port design is used on all subsequent Game Boy models, excluding the Game Boy Micro.